About Us | Cloud Massage

About Us

Our Mission

Cloud Massage began in 2017 with one goal in mind: provide everyday people with access to relief and relaxation no matter how hectic their life gets. Inspired by the ancient healing practices of Shiatsu massage, we created a powerful machine designed to help ease aches and pains with deep tissue foot and leg massage.

Our Philosophy

Cloud Massage understands that the body and mind are deeply intertwined. If we take care of our bodies, our minds will thank us later—and vice versa. We’re here to help you put this belief into practice.

Our focus is on relieving the stress, pain, and soreness that come with everyday living so you can live better. Our massage machine provides you with the access to self-care you deserve and desire by providing powerful relief for symptoms of diabetic neuropathy, plantar fasciitis, as well as other conditions.

Why Shiatsu?

Cloud Massage utilizes Shiatsu massage practices due to its many benefits, including reducing muscle tensions, improving blood circulation throughout the body, and improving function of the lymphatic system. Similar to the use of finger and hand pressure in the Shiatsu massage practice, Cloud Massage uses deep pressure kneading at different intensities to provide relief and relaxation to your feet, ankles, and calves.

Cloud Massage is ranked as the #1 best seller in “Electronic Foot Massagers” on Amazon.

“My husband loves the foot massage and uses it every night to help his neuropathy an is very happy. I also use it to help my tired feet and calves as well. I highly recommend this product to anyone who suffers with their feet. I’m actually going to purchase another one for my dad who also suffers from diabetic neuropathy. Thanks again for an amazing product.”

“This foot massager is amazing. My wife and I use it 1-2x day each. We don't have any medical foot conditions, just normal stress and life. She sits all day for work, i stand and crouch all day. I love using it with my cup of coffee in the morning and when I'm having a cup of tea for bed. I often fall asleep at the end where I sit because it's so relaxing.”

Jordan Z.
“Today is the first time in months that my feet have gotten any relief from the diabetic neuropathy that has been bothering them. This is the BEST purchase I have made in a very long time.”

Cloud Massage is ranked as the #1 best seller in "Electronic Foot Massagers" on Amazon

“My husband loves the foot massage and uses it every night to help his neuropathy an is very happy. I also use it to help my tired feet and calves as well. I highly recommend this product to anyone who suffers with their feet. I’m actually going to purchase another one for my dad who also suffers from diabetic neuropathy. Thanks again for an amazing product.” - A.C.

“This foot massager is amazing. My wife and I use it 1-2x day each. We don't have any medical foot conditions, just normal stress and life. She sits all day for work, i stand and crouch all day. I love using it with my cup of coffee in the morning and when I'm having a cup of tea for bed. I often fall asleep at the end where I sit because it's so relaxing.” - Lily

“Today is the first time in months that my feet have gotten any relief from the diabetic neuropathy that has been bothering them. This is the BEST purchase I have made in a very long time.” - Jordan Z.

Cloud Massage is ranked as the #1 best seller in "Electronic Foot Massagers" on Amazon

“My husband loves the foot massage and uses it every night to help his neuropathy an is very happy. I also use it to help my tired feet and calves as well. I highly recommend this product to anyone who suffers with their feet. I’m actually going to purchase another one for my dad who also suffers from diabetic neuropathy. Thanks again for an amazing product.” - A.C.

“This foot massager is amazing. My wife and I use it 1-2x day each. We don't have any medical foot conditions, just normal stress and life. She sits all day for work, i stand and crouch all day. I love using it with my cup of coffee in the morning and when I'm having a cup of tea for bed. I often fall asleep at the end where I sit because it's so relaxing.” - Lily

“Today is the first time in months that my feet have gotten any relief from the diabetic neuropathy that has been bothering them. This is the BEST purchase I have made in a very long time.” - Jordan Z.