News, pro tips, advice and insight about staying protected from vector-borne diseases.

This year, give the gift that keeps giving. Relieve pain, promote relaxation, and give your loved ones the gift of on-demand at-home massage therapy with Cloud Massage! And don’t forget: you don’t need to pay massage therapist prices for a rejuvenating at-home massage therapy session.
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A muscle knot is a hard, sore, and tight spot on your muscle. While muscle knots aren't usually dangerous to your health, they could be extremely uncomfortable. For some people, they can even be debilitating. While professional medical assistance is important, learning how to massage muscle knots at home could provide the much-needed relief every day.
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Looking to relax your feet from chronic pain or simply a long day? With just a little attention, care, and self massage tips from us here at Cloud Massage - we’re going to learn all about the ins and outs of how to give yourself a foot massage: The why’s, the advantages, and the methods! Read now. 
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A foot massager on the legs and feet can help reduce overall stress upon the body and edema. Get the most out of your relaxing massage for edema in legs with these best tips. Read on for more. 
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If you’ve ever asked yourself, ‘why does pressing on sore muscles feel good?’, this guide will help you to understand the complexities of muscle strain, as well as how to self-massage for optimal recovery and provide ultimate stress relief.
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It’s officially a new year and we all know what that means. New workout plans. New pains. Hopefully new gains. However, it can also lead to the yearly sour joke of how long we can continue these “new year’s resolutions” before we head back to our normal routine. 

Don’t let the pain of heading back into the gym keep you from reaching your workout goals. Whether it’s packing on some muscle or becoming toned and fit, remember that muscle recovery after a workout is just as important as the warm up and workout itself. 

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Plantar fasciitis is among the most prevalent causes of heel pain. Did you know many physicians and doctors recommend a calf massager for plantar fasciitis as the most reliable way to get rid of heel pain? In this article, we're going to take a look at the benefits and how a calf massager for plantar fasciitis can help you.
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Do you experience heel or foot pain after wearing high heels? For those who wear heels daily, they can do a number on your calves, ankles, and feet. In this article, find out what you can do to prevent and recover from high heel foot damage.
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Dealing with foot and ankle pain? Let's start from the bottom up (literally)! In this article, we're going to dive feet-first into the basics of foot care: General causes of foot and ankle pain in the elderly, some tips to curb the pain, and the best foot massagers to help you get back on your feet!
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If you’ve ever felt a sudden twinge of discomfort or pain from one of your muscles, you’ve most likely experienced an acute muscle spasm or cramp. Fear not! You are not alone. Muscle spasms are fairly common and most often occur in the legs, but can also affect the back, feet, fingers, and toes. Sadly, this doesn’t make them any less painful.

Luckily, there are many tricks, tips, and techniques to help you through your next spasm. However, before exploring relief options, it is important to understand what a muscle spasm is and why it happens in the first place.

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Your feet are some of the most incredible tools you will ever own. If you've ever looked at a foot diagram, all those little bones and layers of muscle are what keep us upright, mobile, and springy all day. Ancient humans walked across continents, which is amazing, but you can bet their feet hurt! In this article, we'll explore tips on how to relieve foot pain from standing all day.
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Looking to find a faster relief to foot pain? Enter foot reflexology - an innovative, natural way to relieve most foot pains. We’re going to cover the basics of reflexology, decipher some foot reflexology charts, and talk about when it helps here.


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When you're pregnant, your body is working overtime to grow a healthy baby. Even though it's wonderful to have that little one growing in your tummy, it's also pretty exhausting. Did you ever think so many things could ache all at once? And once you're through the first trimester and can start to relax a bit, you realize that your feet and legs hurt. All the time. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of a foot massage while being pregnant as well as the risks associated with it.
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Feet can be finicky, and the pain that can come from our feet is really no joke. Whether it’s a stabbing pain in your foot, or a more blunt ache, foot, ankle, and arch pain can be debilitating (and sometimes even day-ending). In this article, we explore the causes of foot pain, and solutions for pain from standing all day, or just general movement. 
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Self-care gifts are the perfect way to appreciate yourself for an achieved milestone, a hard situation that you have overcome, or feel nice — you don't have to have a reason. It always feels nice to shower a loved one or a friend with gifts. In this article, we'll explore the top 10 self care gifts that everyone deserves for themselves. 
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You might be hearing more and more about standing desks at work, on the internet, and beyond. All this hype might make you wonder: are you missing out on something that would be a great addition to your office? There is no need for FOMO! Here we will talk about what are standing desks anyways, why you may want one, their pros and cons, some standing desks, accessories suggestions, and more.
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Feel like nursing is killing your feet? There are things you can be doing to stop your feet from hurting on a long shift. So here are five easy ways you can start incorporating better foot care into your daily routine. 
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Thanks to technology, you can now enjoy a good foot massage at home using a self-massaging device. It not only provides a number of health benefits but also saves your time and money. There are a number of foot massagers available in the market in different price ranges with all sorts of features. The question is, which one should you buy?

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If your muscles stay sore for long or you feel fatigued then the primary cause of these conditions is inadequate blood circulation. The massage machine gives deep tissues massage that increases blood flow. This increases the supply of oxygen which in turn reduces muscle soreness and makes you feel rejuvenated.
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Our defense system is such that it tries to recuperate after a strenuous workout but for an athlete speeding up this recovery process is extremely important. Here are some of the tips for a fast recovery following a hard race or run. 

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If you have a job that demands standing for long, or you are into regular exercising, or you feel that your feet are hurt or tired, it’s probably because they are overworked. 

Countless types of massage machines that have been specifically built for the purpose of feet massage are now available everywhere. Before you decide to buy one, it is important to understand how they work and how they can benefit you.

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